27 October 2005

Arrogant idiots.

God, do they fucking pisse me off.

About three years ago, when I was in college and a couple quarters away from getting an AA in Liberal Arts, I joined DVR (the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation) to get some help on finding out what I wanted to go into as a career; I was told NOT to get my AA and instead focus on a program that, halfway through the first quarter, I found out wasn't even the program I needed. So what does my rep do? Tells me to withdraw from all my classes because I wasn't doing very well in one of them. Then, she tells me she's not going to help me with college anymore and instead wants me to start looking for a job; I say fine. Whatever. Only because I figured she knew what the fuck she was doing.

Next, she gets me into a job through Career Path Services and steps aside because she figures that the guy I'm working with knows the place and thet people; instead, I end up getting fire about two and a half months later because I wasn't answering the damn phone. What happened was that the phone wasn't working, but they didn't give a fuck that I'd told a supervisor about it - the supervisor told me to deal with it. Yeah, right - problem fixed, my ass. So I got fired because of their fuckup that they didn't want to admit to.

Finally, my DVR rep gets me into what she calls Job Club, which is supposed to help people with getting interviews and what-not; this is where I really found out just how much of a bitch she was. She started critiquing me on every little fucking thing - how I dress, how I act, how I speak. Everything. Today, I tell her that I need some notes back that she'd said she was going to copy and get back to me. She refused. I thought she could have done it on break (JC lasts 3 fucking hours), but apparently not.

So then, after this and numerous other problems that have now led me to geting another councelor and almost had my case file closed (not to mention the illegality of some of her actions - but don't even get me started on that), she kicks me out of JC for telling her (now pissed off enough to actually say what I've wanted to for a few sessions of JC now) that she needs to learn how to do her job.

If she had just let me get my AA three years ago, I'd probably have a pretty decent job right now; instead, I'm sitting here typing up this fucking rant against that bitch just to blow off some steam because I don't have a job righyt now and no seems to want to hire me without previous experience.

One more reason to hate the state.

21 October 2005


Everyone's got one. Could be yours, could be someone else's. Whatever. Doesn't matter. Everybody's scammed someone else at one point or another (and yes, boasting is often a form of scamming).E-mail scammers are the most relentless bastards in existence. They will try every last trick in the book, and quite a few that aren't, to get your e-mail; and not just to send you e-cards. They sell your e-mail addy to every company they can get their filthy paws on, making oodles of money, and then all those companies do the same thing, and pretty soon (like some of my previous e-mails that have now been shut down as a result) you're getting hundreds of e-mails a day about this product or that service or joining this club or supporting this charity. It's all one big, fat fucking scamring, and it pisses me off. Even in one of my current e-mails, I'm getting a couple dozen a day; today, for example, I got twenty-five - count them, TWENTY-FIVE junk mails. My mother gets about five hundred in a couple of hers - apiece, not combined. And why? For the off-chance that one of the idiots out there might actually respond?The trouble is that they do; every day, tens (if not hundreds) of millions of people all over the world reply to these scams thinking that they're signing up for a couple of supposedly 'free' services or buying a few products for '85% off the cover price' in the hopes that they'll get their 'free' Playstation 3 or X-Box. In reality, not only are they now buying something they don't need and getting a service that they no longer want, they've also payed out ten bucks for a product they never even got. This is called 'network scamming'. You supposedly win something only to pay out money to a couple of different corporations, and all three parties sell your information to numerous other companies - and voila, the whole process starts all over again.Like I said, it pisses me off; if people would use their heads, I wouldn't be getting all these fucking e-mails. And the pop-ups are just as bad (if not worse), because just clicking on one of them opens up several network scamming rings and publishes your IP addy, your e-mail, and any other information you've been stupid enough to publish on the internet. I understand companies need to get money to keep going, but this is ridiculous. Whatever happened to so-called 'honest marketing'? You know, the kind where you sell a glass of lemonade for ten cents? Or mow a lawn and get ten bucks? That's sales. What network scammers do is fraud. Plain and simple.

20 October 2005

To join or not to join? That isn't the question...

...it's whether or not to trust.

Okay, so here's the deal; I decided to go to ITT Technical Institute to get a degree in Networking. Now, in order to attend, you need to pass some sort of test; only I haven't set up an appointment yet. I was going to do that after I'd checked my e-mail and seen if there were any posts I wanted to reply to on the various sites I'm a member of. It's a good thing I went online first.

Turns out someone online had heard some bad things about ITT, so I went on Google and looked up complaints against the school; my first thought when I saw the results was, "Holy shit!" My second thought was, "Well - guess I don't want to go there."

At least a dozen different complaints against the school over the last few years was just the first part; there have been a couple of lawsuits against the school, as well as a class action suit, and the school has been investigated (not once, mind you, but several times) for fraud and discrimination of color.

Jesus christ. If I wanted to be fucked, I could hire a hooker; one thing's for certain, though - I'm definitely not planning on attending ITT Technical Institute anytime soon.

19 October 2005

My first blog.

Well, this will be interesting; I've never done a blog before, but hey - might as well, right? Besides, then I can see how many morons actually comment on this post. <_<

Anyway, so here I am bored out of my skull and posting something that has no point whatsoever. Remind you of anyone, people? Then why don't you look in the mirror on a bad day.

Blah blah blah. There. I've posted. I'll post again when I have thoughts.